

Linnaeus made a mistake when he named us Homo sapiens, the wise man. We’re not. We do too many stupid, destructive and irresponsible things to deserve that name. We need to be educated. Fortunately, we can be educated; we can transform ourselves. We are Homo educandus. We educate ourselves. 
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Jan Bransen, Homo Educandus. Why Our School System Is Broken and What We Can Do About It. Nijmegen: Radboud University Press, 2021.

This book by Jan Bransen, Professor of Philosophy of Behavioural Science at Radboud University Nijmegen, is a plea for common sense. In a highly accessible, jargon-free and almost colloquial style the book develops an argument against the dominance of a social structure that capitalizes on scientific expertise to the detriment of our everyday capacity for critical thinking. The book is not an attack on science, but an attempt to resist our growing dependence on the sophisticated knowledge of ever more specialised experts.

Jan Bransen, Don’t Be Fooled. A Philosophy of Common Sense. Abingdon: Routledge, 2017.

In this book a case is made for an important voice we missed in the Kantian composition of our recent philosophical past: the voice of skepticism. It is introduced by means of an analysis of the work of an almost completely neglected early critic of Kant, Salomon Maimon (1752-1800).

It is argued that the work of Maimon provides powerful arguments for the claim that the structure of our articulations of the relation between thoughts and objects has an intrinsically aporetic character.

Jan Bransen. The Antinomy of Thought. Maimonian Skepticism and the Relation between Thoughts and Objects. Dordrecht: Kluwe Publishers, 1991.

Edited books:

  • Bransen, J., Cuypers, S.E. (eds.)(1998). Human Action, Deliberation and Causation. Philosophical Studies Series 77. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Bransen, J., & Slors, M. (eds.) (1996). The Problematic Reality of Values. Assen: Van Gorcum

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